
By / 2 years ago / Bergen County, Cities / No Comments
41 of 100 1 review
  • Economy - 32%
  • Safety - 26%
  • Amenities - 58%
  • Cleanliness - 47%


Garfield is a city located in Bergen County, New Jersey. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 2.3 square miles and a population of approximately 30,487 as of 2019. The median household income in Garfield is $63,781, and the median home value is $350,500.

The population of Garfield is diverse, not only ethnically but also in terms of age. The largest age group in the city is 25-44, making up 29.4% of the population. This is followed by the 45-64 age group, making up 27.2% of the population. The youngest age group, under 18, makes up 22.8% of the population, and the oldest age group, 65 and over, makes up 20.6% of the population.

Garfield is a densely populated area with a diverse cultural population and a variety of amenities. The city offers a variety of parks, recreational areas, and sports fields, including the Garfield Park and the Garfield Reservoir. The city also has a library and community center that provides a wide range of services and programs for residents of all ages.

The city is also home to several schools, and the school district of Garfield is known for its excellent education system, which can provide high-quality education for children and young adults.

Overall, Garfield is a diverse community with a focus on education and recreation for all ages. With a median household income and home value lower than the national average, it’s a great place to live, work and raise a family, regardless of age. The access to amenities and the diverse cultural population make it an attractive option for many families.

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  • Good schools: The school district of Garfield is known for its excellent education system, which can provide high-quality education for children and young adults.
  • Access to amenities and recreation: Garfield offers a variety of parks, recreational areas, and sports fields, including the Garfield Park and the Garfield Reservoir, which can provide opportunities for entertainment and leisure activities.
  • Affordable housing: The median home value in Garfield is lower than the national average, which can make it more affordable for residents to purchase or rent a home.
  • Diverse cultural population: Garfield has a diverse cultural population, which can provide residents with a variety of cultural experiences and perspectives.


  • High cost of living: Although the median home value in Garfield is lower than the national average, the cost of living in the city can be high, which can make it more expensive to live in than other areas.
  • Limited job opportunities: Garfield is a densely populated city, which may have limited job opportunities compared to larger urban areas.
  • Limited nightlife and entertainment options: Garfield being a small-town may not have a lot of nightlife and entertainment options when compared to larger cities.
  • Traffic and transportation: Garfield is located in Bergen County, which can experience heavy traffic during rush hour. Additionally, public transportation options may be limited, which can make it more difficult to get around.


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